Integrating Live Probiotics in Medical Aesthetic Treatments

Explore the intersection of medical aesthetic treatments and live biotherapeutics. Follow the science to take an in-depth look at how to offer statistically significant improvements in reducing downtime and enhancing aesthetic treatment results.

Understanding each phase of wound healing helps us comprehend how the skin recovers and how we can aid it in healing more effectively. A clearer understanding allows us to develop strategies to support skin health before, during, and after aesthetic procedures.

How do live biotherapeutics accomplish this?

  • Protection against pathogenic bacteria and external environmental factors – reducing risk of infection and interrupted healing
  • Increased skin moisture levels – reducing transepidermal water loss by building a healthier barrier
  • Accelerated healing – improving re-epithelialisation for faster healing and reduced downtime
  • Reduced sensitivity and chronic inflammation – resolving inflammatory signalling to return skin to a resilient state